Bradley Historical Society 

Donated Items

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Donated by Bernice Bisaillon

Donated by Tom Lahners

David Bradley check stub 1954

1940 property tax bill
donated by Dale Monty

Donated by Bruce Adams

Village of North Kankakee ordinance book

Donated by Village of Bradley

Skelgas grand opening
Donated by Theresa Martin

Bookends cast at DB
Donated by Jackie Owen

4.2" mortar shell made at DB
Donated by Dale Monty

Ashtray Marty's Steakhouse
Donated by Dale Monty

Roper Openhouse
Donated by Rowena Spence

Womanless Wedding 1934
Donated by Jackie Owen

DB Envelope
Donated by Norma Meier

Bradley Postcards
Donated by Vic Johnson

Donated by
Bernice Bisaillion

David Bradley Story
Donated by Harriet Schultz

Kroehler Drivers Manual
Donated by Bob Simpson

Roper playing cards
Donated by Jackie Owen

BHS 1934
Donated by Madge Power

DB 1902 plow catalog
Donated by Barbara Ryon
Fort Worth, TX