Bradley Historical Society
Bradley Public Schools

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After the first North Kankakee School District was organized in December 1892, classes were held in the Wesley United Methodist Church.
An elementary school building was constructed in 1894. See picture below left. The high school is in the building attached to the back.
In 1898, a wing was added to the east side of the building. The second-floor classrooms were used for second- and third-year high school students.
Further additions to the school were made in 1910 and 1912. The old grade school was replaced by a new central school building in the early 1960s.
A new high school was started in Sept. 1948 to replace the old one.

Page 48 of the 1932 yearbook has another history of the Bradley school district.


1928 1934 1940 1946 1952
1941 1947 1953
1942 1948 1954
1931 1937 1943 1949 1955
1932 1938 1944 1950 1956
1939 1945 1951

Click on images for larger view

Bradley GS & HS school
1930s or 40s. NE corner of
Wabash & Perry

Teacher reunion 1920

School assembly

1940 class reunion

Year and who?

1930 8th grade graduation

1919 Football

1949-50 Football

1920 7th grade BGS

BBCHS Cornerstone laying
Sept. 25, 1948

1948 BGS Operetta

Bradley Grade School 1954

1944 - 45

BGS 7th grade class 1913 or 14

BBCHS band 1951
President visit

Class of 1934

1978 Freshmen Cheerleaders

BHS Womenless Wedding
BHS mixed ensemble

Girls ensemble 1949
BBCHS 1950

Soph class 1932

BHS reunion 1978 of classes
1915 to 1935

BBCHS cornerstone dedication 1949. Picture & program

BBCHS football ad 1947

Tearing down old schools

New grade schools

BHS 1940 football

Sub-Deb group 1951

class 1940 letter for 40th reunion